Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Letting Go into Babalon

Calling out to Babalon, all my riches poured into her cup of abominations. Abomination is all the ego, will to power, emotion and thoughts that I take for my freedom. Simply, they are perforce already sacrificed and my choice is to simply accept that she is Nature, and a blind mechanical force.

Equality and Oneness are the keys to all practice. Equality is a superpower of sorts, whereby all happenings and occurrence whether they be harboring joy or sorrow, are met with an unequaled and unshakable peace, bliss, and divine delight.

This requires a deep consecration to the work. Because simply being apathetic, or stoic, or some other sleight of mind is not the key to her, to Babalon. We must go beyond all these things, especially when the smaller nature is moving out of control and acting within the bondage of Nature.

Equality leads to a perception of oneness. That everything without is contained within, and Truth Power and real Liberation is transcendent to that thing we call a self, and will never be possessed. To worship Babalon is to let go. To let go is to give up desire for the fruits of our labor, and to first give all acts and works to the divine.

This is the meaning of the blaspheme that states All the Blood of the Saints and of all The Martyrs of Jesus are poured into the cup of Babalon. Because as a whore amongst whores, she accepts all with pleasure and delight, and denies nothing. How could she? She is supported by a Power that goes even beyond her, and she is bound by her whoredom to do this work; and we are bound to her.

Oh Babalon, will you accept all my lower nature that you already possess? It is in this self-giving that we learn to dance with her. Cutting the root of our bondage, we can become free. And eventually, if we are lucky and the consecration made perfect, we shall indeed realize the liberation beyond. True freedom of delight in Life that is not bound to Heart or Mind.

Always there is a secret center, the heart girt by a serpent that is asking us to move beyond. For the things that occur in life are there because of our specific nature, some unique play that serves our growth into a true expression of the Divine Law in the here and now.

Babalon is here, and she is going to have you; but you will never have her. The only thing in this laborious process of Eternity manifesting in Time is to Let Go.

And so we shall.

156, Scarlet Seven Upon Sevens, oh Babalon she is! Sweet and Calculating Babalon. My life is yours and poured into your cup. All that can occur does not serve but as a way for you to live me. It is not what I feel, but what you feel through me .... because Truth and the Life Divine are beyond all this inconscient and reproachable ego. Babalon, Babalon, I say BABALON!

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