Saturday, August 20, 2011

Come one and all to Retrograde

The occult significance of the Mercurial force is meta-normal in Nature. Some may refer to this as 'Spiritual', or perhaps as taking account of opportunities for metaphysical healing (or wishful thinking). But generally and alchemically (as in psychologically, for we would do a great dishonor if we attempt to attribute objective truth to that which is wholly subjective and inter-subjective) Mercury is something we take advantage of in salesmanship, trickery, quick thinking and the like.

But the inner Mercurial force is the divine architect which is also Death, the destroyer and creator of worlds and the master of change. Look at The Death card in the Tarot and you find Scorpio, a world contained within the fear inside your kidneys and all its power in the LETTING GO.

The symbol for Mercury and the Medical Profession is the Caduceus. While the Magically inclined among you may be very aware of all I am saying, a magickal blog should hardly ever pander to Magicians; for we should know all there is to know about each others art already.(intellectual battle over semantics notwithstanding)

This Caduceus is the supreme secret contained within the Tantra. That deep inside your biological core, your gut, where your sex and your serotonin make life worth suffering, the alchemical furnace burns hot, and this secret center coiled around the molten core must be activated so the energy can be felt coursing up your spine. Writhing and moving like the twin snakes of the Caduceus.

You can do this with your mind over time, or you can jack your energy with sex like taking drugs. It hardly matters and don't let panzy spiritual types tell you otherwise. During retrograde, this is the moment par excellence for this to occur whether by force of will or by force of cock and cunt.

While others become deeply confused in an attempt to avert total communication breakdown, the true Magician is cumming out the top of his head (really cumming out of the 7th chakra point between the tips of the ears). This can appear quite awkward to the socially obsessed. But society is downright hysterical that way; when you are the one living in sweet and divine foolish hysteria.

Magick is TIMING, and timing is biology. It's not very rational because it is in fact pre-rational. The Magickal/Biological Timing is a component to rational thinking. So that the Tantrika with his union of all manner of opposites approaches the dissolution of emptiness and form in the 'neither-neither'; not two and not one. That is the retrograde moment. The simultaneous destroyer and creator of worlds. Beyond the petty and egoic desire, beyond the small will to power, beyond even the gushing and seething of a deeply emotional heart.

Into the light of Pure Will through suffering and the realization that THOU ART GOD and that THERE IS NO GOD. Divinity shines through in a purely godless universe, and this is the ancient secret of Mercury, the Magician, The Tantrika, and the Enlightened.

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