Astrological Influences:
During the time of the Wedding, Virgo (IX. Hermit) was rising in the East, Sagittarius (XIV. Art) was in the North, Gemini (VI. Lovers) in the South, and Pisces (XVIII. Moon) in the West. Accordingly, via eastern medicine modality, the Kidney Meridian was active during the wedding, and in NOOS31 we take these hours as a container for the Sign Scorpio (XIII. Death).
Planetary Influences:
Three planets were in Retrograde, and it is precisely these illusory arseward dances that were leveraged on a specifically magical field. Saturn was retrograding over the cusp of Libra and Scorpio; Mars was retrograde through Virgo; and Mercury was Retrograde through the cusp of Aries and Pisces.
January 24th Began Martian Retrograde through Virgo, as well as Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon. Mars rules Scorpio as well as Aries, so the influence of the Dragon through the container of XIII. Death was readily apparent. I began transformational meditations and disciplines with the intention of gathering this energy for the wedding. In mystical conversation with the Saturnian Bnapsen, he said to me:
"I continue on in the same reality
but suddenly others can see me clearly
I was spinning in such a fashion
as to have an illusion re-enchant me
Suddenly there appears an Ocean of Time
a Queen of Energy, Wand & Flame
within what once appeared as impenetrable molten
A Martian Prince in wondrous retrograde"
(recorded Saturday, January 28 at 7:31pm near Brooklyn)
On February 7th, Saturn went Retro on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra during the Full Moon. The Oracle at Damanhur was particularly affective to me during this time:
"The teacher is as a needle and the student is as thread" ~ Miyamoto Musashi, Go Rin No Sho (The Book of Five Rings)
Also in particular, the references to Horus, Snake, and Death, in addition to other references with personal synchronic meaning guided me to the most likely of places to complete a search I began on that day for my ritual robes to wear during the wedding. After much disappointment, and approaching my deadline of Valentine's Day to have the business in some fashion of order, I made contact with Damanhur, and the creation of potent magical artifacts had ensued according to schedule.
Of course in any working of sincere intent, the harmonious side effects are many and profound, and cast lesser selves in transparent light by way of transcendence and enchantment. In particular, this Saturnian charge (not yet fired) holds especial significance on many levels to myself, the Participants of the wedding, and of course the general state of things in the presently arising world. As will become clear later, the whole point of the Ritual is involved with VII. The Chariot, and the process of transcendence via Martian energy carrying one over the Abyss and into the Realms of Divinity and Gnosis (see the Holy Qabalah and The Tree of Life).

There is another component for the Mage, arguably the most important, which is that of initiation. The disciplines maintained both contemplative and physical, purifying the body and mind to open to the reception of what is a Magical Tool, Weapon, or Artifact in the most traditional sense; in that the Artisan (of high skill in magical art) can encode a pure transmission of some specific and pure energy(ies). Since I myself do not have the skill of sewing with needle and thread, let alone designing clothes, it is required of me that I have a sincere mind in how and why I am using the completed Artifact. In this lies initiation offered by the artifact itself, and an opportunity for internalization.
On March 12th, one month later, Mercury went retrograde on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. It was during this time that I began putting together the Ritual and working with The Bride to iron out the details. All these gathered energies and effects are useless if not for a means of transmission. Some referents will go completely missed and under the radar by most (it is these that have the most effect); others containing meaning that is esoteric and intuitively grasped by anyone paying attention (it is these that inspire); and still other passages, perhaps somewhat inconscient but still required so that the information we are transmitting through the ritual penetrates down even unto the deepest of spiritual depths (it is these that pacify). Directly into the Underworld so that with a little bit of luck, even the ancestors present would feel our sincerity, offer their blessings, and be themselves thus purified and brought home.
All energies gathered together, with spring having sprung, it was a simple matter of performance.

VI. The Lovers and XIV. Art, are two extremely Alchemical processes in the Tarot deck. They deal with mystical marriages and Alchemical weddings. The North/South Axis was then composed of these influences, with the crucible of the temple being in the very center, which is our representation of VII. The Chariot (Cancer). Referencing the Chariot Card, we see an Armored Figure, riding a Chariot, with 4 Kerubs of mixed elements (transmuted) drawing that chariot across the abyss. Of course, the armored figure is void inside, and he himself is an aspect of the winged Horus carrying the Grail, ready to take flight from the land of duality to the Supernal Realms. The Bride and Groom represent the Yin and Yang of this process, as we see clearly in the astrological sign for Cancer.
The East/West Axis was composed of IX. The Hermit with Martian Retrograde in the east, and XVIII. The Moon with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. Returning our attention to Snakes, Scorpio (Mars rules Scorpio and it is the Sun sign of the bride), and with reference to the twin healing Kundalini snakes of the mercurial cadeuceus (Mercury rules Gemini which is the Sun sign of the Groom), the temple was of its own accord transmuted into universal force. Whether they were aware or not, all participants were acting out their perfect void natures. May that Wedding Day be blessed in eternal time.
The groomsmen represented the masculine forms of the 4 elements, and the brideswomen the feminine aspect of the 4 elements. The gesturing of the feminine and masculine elements, and their combining arm in arm representing the combination congruent with the 4 mixed kerubs on VII. The Chariot.
With the amazing creativity of various aesthetic elements, and by working with astrologers and metalsmiths to time the wedding and craft their rings, The Bride and Groom entrained my life to their harmonious occasion. Through my sincere acceptance of my task, I was able to grow. I have so much gratitude for this opportunity to have participated, and especially for my role as officiant/magician.
Even the recessional music, Requiem for a Tower, was cognate with the Martian influence that was necessary to carry us across the Abyss to our Divine home in the City of the Pyramids. When I was finished with the ceremony, walking to the car with a determined human's thirsty intent on a drink of water, it was only then that I noticed the fine yellow woven into
my gray ritual threads ... Horus of course; the Hawk Headed Mystical Lord.