Thursday, March 01, 2012

~~ Twenty Something Days ~~

settling now; calm, awake, energized
walking, running, moving, even in stillness
I move through this, all of this
changing each moment, letting go to gain

how can an eternity be hidden inside
each little chance I take at swallowing pride
twenty something days will drift so dreamily
and then we will all be together

to what ends, I have no idea
and in this does some vague terror lay
upon awakening in that moments arrival
to inherit joy and pleasure, fear no more

shifting ground beneath my feet
a horse devouring earth balanced in time
dancing, skipping, jumping, singing
because I am holding something important inside

and I maintain this veneer of a gentlemen's way
to respect that which my mother gave to me
and so really I am just waiting to look in your eyes
and eventually say very old words, and embrace warm hearts

it hasn't been yet twenty something days
since I followed an imperative I had buried in the deep
consecration comes in hidden places over time
and suddenly it was right in my face

falling fast, and falling hard
as my inexperience is wont to do
but, my feeling for you is increased
because you removed the ground underneath

and where I was thinking I would hit bottom
a formlessness was there as if a bed of cloud
an empty, vast, and luminous sky
birds fly

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