Monday, September 10, 2012

~~ ~~

the other alchemy
the way
not cast in phantom subtle forms
nor notions of intuitive dream truths

but here, now, and luminous

a world of men, retelling old tales
contradictive in performance
in their saying of the new

outer circles, outer circles
communities in rote refrain

the hidden college
a culture of more subtle;

direct to the source
of this nun's way
stands not a lotus, but a plum blossom

8 extraordinary secret elixirs
tracing the creative cycle of 5
connecting original perfection
to human perception, to command

the point not far
balanced between before completion
and after completion

fire over water, a light in the abyss
soon, a flame under the ocean
the silver star of the wise
rising from the depths of space

twin dragons vie for the pearl

the aquatic dragon spits fire
the DNA emits light
Ipsissimus Laughs, Silent

no more to play with Gods and Godesses
in the gardens of drama and delight
no more to fight with angels and daemons
in the magnificent gnosis of heaven
no more to write of all sweet music
the singing and the symphony inside of my head

sitting on my plum blossom
the silvery cord touching my kidneys
attracted to the gentleness there
I sit with the Masters in my kausality, for a moment

doing what is always done

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